Working creatively for change since 1985

Picnic Inspiration Month


 Picnic Inspiration Month

For Picnic Inspiration month of May 2021, the Space to Connect Advisory Group has put together a creative resource pack full of picnic recipes, creative activities. They started by asking their friends at ASHA, Brighter Futures and The Beth Johnson Foundation – “what makes your picnic special?”

The Space to Connect Advisory Group is a group of volunteers who meet regularly to discuss the creative programme at B arts. In particular, the group plan and programme regular Space to Connect events, which are traditionally community meals and art workshops in the B arts building.

Since the end of March 2020, the group have met mainly online. To mark the transition between restrictions and lockdown lifting, the group are offering ideas to bridge the gap between staying at home to getting out and about, having a picnic with friends and family in your local area, or in your front room or garden.